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PrispevekObjavljeno: 25 Jun 2008 11:57    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Presneto... moj post je spet nekam zginu Confused

Ja, ebola yasmin se zihr dobijo in mislim da so še malo "bolj moderna" verzija yarine. Mirena je pa spirala kolkr vem... tudi to se dobi v Avstraliji kolkr vem. Uglavnm se vsa zdravila dobijo, mogoče še kakšna več za povrhu. Če vas to skrbi si zapišite ime sestavine in boste tukaj gotovo dobili ekvivalent če ne čisto istega zdravila. Recimo od Leka pa od Krke zdravil oz. njihovih brandov jaz tukaj nisem zasledila se dobijo pa druge znamke.
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PrispevekObjavljeno: 07 Okt 2008 13:40    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Ponovno pozdravljeni,

Glede na informacije na www.tga.gov.au, ki pravijo, da lahko v Avstralijo prineseš zaloge zdravil le za 3 mesece, me zanima, ali ste tisti, ki ste s seboj vzeli več zaloge, imeli pri tem probleme? Ali potem, ko te vprašajo, ali imaš s seboj zdravila in ta niso med prepovedani ali na listi, za katera je potrebno imeti dovoljenje, dejansko preverjajo, kaj in koliko jih imaš s sabo in ali imaš zanje ustrezno zdravnikovo potrdilo?

Hvala in lp,

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 13 Okt 2008 20:50    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Evo, uraden odgovor glede mojega vprašanja, če še komu pride prav:

Thank you for your enquiry regarding your trip to Australia and your need to bring medications for personal use. I am from the Office of Prescription Medicines of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and in response to your enquiry, I offer you the following information.

Australian residents and visitors to Australia can legally import certain therapeutic goods for personal use under the personal import exemption. This exemption does not allow the personal importation of either substances or drugs prohibited by Customs legislation, or, injectable drugs that contain material of human or animal origin (except insulin), unless an import permit has been obtained.

Under the personal importation exemption an individual can import up to a three month supply per import. Please note that it is illegal to supply goods under the personal importation exemption to persons outside the importers immediate family.

Although you have not provided me the names of the medicines you wish to travel with, medication for the Thyroid and the oral contraceptive pill are generally not captured under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 and so will not require an import permit.. However without specific details I am unable to confirm that this is in fact correct.

The Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP) places these medications into Schedule 4 (ie Prescription Only Medicine). This means that when you arrive, we suggest that you carry on your person, along with the medication, documentations (either a copy of the prescription or a letter from the doctor) which demonstrates clearly that the medicines have been prescribed to you. Otherwise, the Australian Customs Service (ACS) may be obliged to seize the goods

For permission to import a larger quantity of these medications, an Australian registered doctor will firstly need to apply to the TGA for Special Access Scheme (SAS) approval. In that application, the doctor needs to give a diagnosis and clinical justification for using these products over products that are registered and available in Australia. If the doctor's approval is granted, a letter would be sent to the doctor and this would constitute permission to import a larger quantity.
There is a document on our website which explains the SAS and its workings.


As this option may prove difficult to arrange may I suggest that you arrive with a three month supply of your medications. You may then have further supplies of your medications forwarded by post, in three-monthly lots. However, we recommend that documentation (either a copy of a presciption/letter) from an Australian doctor is included in the parcel along with your medications. This is a legal requirement as any prescription product entering Australia by post for use by a resident or a visitor legally requires a prescription from an Australian registered doctor to obtain and possess.

If you require further information on the subject of personal importation, may I direct you to our website. There is a TGA publication on bringing medicines into Australia which can be using the following links:



I trust this information has been of assistance to you


Josephine Dufty
Senior Pharmacist
Experimental Drugs Section
Therapeutic Goods Administration
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